... STRATEGIC OPERATIONS (Fifteenth Air Force): 550 bombers strike targets in Italy, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia; in Italy, communications targets in the Po Valley and railway bridges at Ferrara, Salzano, and Ferrara; in Czechoslovakia, oil refineries and communications targets in the Silesian Plain, including the Bohumin area, steel works and marshalling yard, Moravska-Ostrava marshalling yard, oil refineries and industrial area including, tank works, and marshalling yards; in the Hungarian Plain, marshalling yards at Szolnok and Szeged, and a railway bridge at Szeged; and in Yugoslavia, a railway bridge at Borovnica; P-38s bomb Latisana Bridge, Italy. ...>
[Zdroj: USAAF.net]
[Zdroj fotografií vybombardované Ostravy: Ing. Petr BERNAT, Ph.D.]